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Minutes 11/5/2009
Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room

Members in Attendance: mayor Ryan Bingham, Ed Cook, Michael Clark, Isadore Temkin. Also in Attendance: Steven Nocera, Brian Solywoda, Deanna Wojtaszek, of Friar Associates, Jerry Rollett , Public Works Director, and Robert Prentis O&G Construction Manager.

The meeting opened at 6:35 PM on a motion by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Clark.

  • Minutes of MRC Meetings of August 27, 2009 and September 24, 2009, were reviewed and approved on a motion by Mr. Cook, seconded by Dr. Temkin.
  • Overview of project construction status – by Mr. Prentis,  O&G
Roof – the roof is 99% complete, there are some penetrations scheduled for mechanicals.

Windows – installation is complete with the exception of one window in a stair tower which is not on site yet; and two windows on the east side of the building which have not been installed to allow for materials loading into the building. The next steps are window insulation and trimming which is already underway.

Sheetrock Installation – is nearly completed on the second floor and is under way on the third. Taping has already begun and painting is scheduled to begin the end of next week.

Boiler Start-up – is scheduled for the middle of January, 2010. Boilers are currently in place and hook-up will begin next week.

Traffic Building – Paving at the site is complete, landscaping will be put in place in the spring, all electrical rough-in is in place, CL&P has scheduled connection in two weeks. Plumbing and remaining electrical work will be completed immediately thereafter. Temporary grass seed will be in place to hold soil during the winter months. A temporary certificate of occupancy, (TCO), will be applied for around December 1

  • Update by Friar Associates.
A rough plan for landscaping was given to Mr. Clark for review by the MRC at a later date. The sample street light will be on site next week. It will be illuminated by temporary connection and City and TDC personnel will be invited to examine the lighted fixture for possible inclusion in other projects in the downtown area.

  • A discussion regarding “reinvestment projects” was tabled on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mayor Bingham to allow for preparation of more up to date information.
  • Ms.Wojtaszek stated that furniture bids were due to the City Purchasing Agent on Tuesday, November 10. She stated that she would have recommendations to the MRC regarding which resource(s) should be considered as soon as possible and felt that the bid could be awarded not later than December 31st. Mr. Clark asked her to attempt to have the bid approved by the MRC and the bid award completed within two weeks of the bid opening.
  • Under “Other Business” the mayor was asked for an update of the status of the Veterans’ Memorial Fund. He stated that the Register Citizen newspaper had agreed to run an ad at no charge announcing the public donation phase. The ad is a color ad, and he wanted to publicly recognize the paper for their generous support of the Memorial Fund.
Mr. Clark reviewed a design change to the Memorial which provides greater emphasis on the individual military branch insignias represented in the Memorial.
Insignias will now be located on the corridor side of the Memorial entrance.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 Pm on a motion by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mayor Bingham.